Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Online Learning Requirements

Question: Demonstrate the technical and personal requirements of online learning? Answer: Introduction This report contains the relevance of the study module, which has been used for the completion of the course. The impact of the learning courses and the subjects has been included in this material. Behavioural change The courses included in the business management were designed to provide real life experiences to the students. Many of the topics covered were meant to improve the knowledge that was required for task completion. We were provided with the task related to analysing the case studies, and referring to other book materials which was necessary for applying the knowledge about management in the right manner. The challenges involved analysing the ability of the individual to solve the problem, through which the learning process for business management was implied. The challenges solution process helped in analysing the severity of the issue and adopting the best methods for solving the problem. Such factors or characteristics were required for handling the complex work culture that usually exists at the workplace (Pekrun et al., 2002). Development in career? Analysing challenges and evaluating the ability to solve the issues, has boosted the confidence level, which is required for handling the issues that exists at the workplace. It is necessary to adopt and implement logical thinking process, which would help in solving challenging situations that exists at the workplace. The reference modules and the process followed for analysing the severity of the issues has helped in improving the knowledge that is required for accomplishing the tasks. The studourse completion and the process that was expected to be followed for learning y materials along with the resources that were provided by the institute were quite helpful. Complicated work related situations were included in the course completion process. This was meant to help in solving different types of challenges that existed in real life and at workplace (Pekrun, 2006). The classroom task and the process expected to be followed for the task completion were analysed in details. Through such process, the details of the study materials and the subject intended to be covered in the course completion were discussed in details. This was done to highlight the relevance of the cnew process (Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006). Personal requirements Online learning process is easy, and convenient. However, it is necessary to analyse the technical and personal ability for the task completion. Technical requirements are related to faster internet connections and the ability to access internet from different places. Such a process would enable the student to access the course study and complete the studies at any time (Robbins et al., 2004). Personal requirements include developing skills to analyse the criticality of the probe and implement the corrective measures to improve the quality of learning. Such a process has to be planned, and the study materials have to be divided over different weeks. This would enable the learner to improve the learning process, and develop skills to apply different management related theories to real life. Self-interest is one of the important factors that would help in the business development. In this process, the student can plan for the steps that need to be followed for task completion. This would avoid any sort of delays that can affect the quality of education, and the learning process. It is necessary to integrate personal learning ability with the technical skills required for the completion of the course (Rovai, 2004). Competency level Competency level is related to different resources that are required for learning different topics that are covered in the subject. It is necessary for the student to use the best tools that would help in the development. The course materials have to be analysed and the best material has to be selected. This enables the learner to develop knowledge that is required for the task completion. It is necessary to test the competency level of the learner, as this would enable the member to know the concern areas that needs to be worked upon. The changes and the process that needs to be followed can be planned by the learner. This would help in organizing the learning process, which is required for increasing the learning process (Artino, McCoach, 2008). Personal development Management is a complicated topic, and it needs to be arranged in the right manner. The topics expected to be covered in this process has to be listed down and planned. Essential tools like online and offline study materials can be accessed for collecting necessary information that is required for the task completion. In this process, the task and the process has to be related to the time frame that is available for the student. This helps in evaluating the challenges and implementing the right plan that would help in the course completion. The process like collecting the study materials, analysing the same, and preparing personal notes has to be done in the decided manner. This will simplify the task of learning, for the learner (Artino, 2008). Different contexts The course on business management teaches the value of organizational management and different processes that can be followed for handling the environmental challenges. After the completion of the course, it would be possible to analyse the value of the organizations and the different methods that can be followed for handling the tasks at the workplace. In the environmental factors there are various internal and external factors that can directly impact the work ability. It is necessary to learn such process, as the management of different task becomes quite simple. In the social context, various factors that needs to be considered while drafting plans for management has to be evaluated. This has to be done, by evaluating the challenges and the process that needs to be followed for task execution (Eccles Wigfield, 2002). Operational techniques Some of the important techniques are Planning The process expected to be followed for task completion, and challenge analysis has to be included in this process. Through planning the challenges involved with different task completion process can be simpered (Bangert,2004). Implementation The drafted plan has to be implemented in the right manner, as this would help in the completion of the course in the desired manner. Challenges related to execution of the plan needs to be analysed, as this would enable in implementing corrective steps. Controlling The steps followed for task execution has to be controlled in the right manner. This would improve the quality of the task expected to be done (Klein et al., 2006). References Artino, A. R. (2008). Motivational beliefs and perceptions of instructional quality: Predicting satisfaction with online training. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24, 260270. Artino, A. R., McCoach, D. B. (2008). Development and initial validation of the online learning value and efficacy scale. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 38, 279303. Bangert, A. W. (2004). The seven principles of good practice: A framework for evaluating online teaching. Internet and Higher Education, 7, 217232. Eccles, J. S., Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational beliefs, values, and goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 109132. Klein, H. J., Noe, R. A., Wang, C. (2006). Motivation to learn and course outcomes: The impact of delivery mode, learning goal orientation, and perceived barriers and enablers. 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